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Selection of some past events


FICS Global Symposium 2023 :   Road to Paris
June 17 - 18
Hilton Paris - La Defense        LINK

Join us in person for ‘The Road to Paris’
he FICS 2023 Global Symposium will lay the foundation of learning for those on the road to the Paris 2024 Olympics.
he full agenda will be released here, featuring a high profile local keynote speaker, FICS speakers, round table panel, practical workshops, and question and answer sessions with Olympic Chiropractors.  

Agenda themes:
– The Journey Begins
– Cultivating and Optimizing Talent in Sport
– The Climb to Excellence
– Reaching for Gold


FICS Global Symposium 2022 : A New View of Sports Injury Care
Virtual presentation     It is possible to reiew the symposium till December 31  HERE

Some of the topics :
– An amalgam fusing 40 years of investigating the issues of assessing pain pathways and limiters of performance with clinical work on a broad spectrum of athletes.
– Information on common clinical presentations of “Vascular Occulsion in Athletes”.
– Review treatment approaches for golf related back pain as well as rehabilitation tools for those golf related injuries of the lumbar spine.
– Sacroiliac Joint pain is one of the most common injuries we treat.  Learn why this region is injured so frequently, and how to best manage the problem.  Also diiscover how to best screen the SI joint for dysfunction.  


Evaluation Globale et Interdisciplinaire des Jeunes Athlètes

Par le Réseau de Santé et Sport et le Groupement de Pédiatres Vaudois
December 1, 2022  in Lausanne   

Topics are :     
- Fatigue, Nutrition, Bilan sanguin   
- Ados élites, risques, recherche de limites - Quand faut-il référer ?     
- Traumatismes et lésions de l'appareil locomoteur
- Gynéco - ado et sport   
- Quand la comptéte s'arrête (blessure, burn-out) - comment accompagner l'ado
Program  :   HERE
Signing up :    HERE   125 CHF after October 31


Zürcher Sportmedizin Symposium   «Kind und Sport»       Program
Freitag, 2. Dezember 2022 - Clinique Universitaire Balgrist, ZurichWhen supervising children and young people practicing recreational and/or competitive sport, various orthopedic question may arise, such as the care of an acute injury, or the identification of possible overuse damage just to mention two. This seminar is aimed to answer the many questions relating to pediatric sport management.

    Stefanie Pfister
    T +41 44 386 38 33

Seminar fee  150 Franken
(comprises the seminar fee, lunch and nibbles at breaks, apéro)

Link to seminar sign up  -->  


Winter Learn and Ski Sport Seminar


Hotel Alpina, Grimentz  
March 15 - 18, 2023

See details HERE


Some Past SCSC Events

ICSC Seminar - Lower extremity module
Was held on August 20-21, 2022    August 20-21, 2022 NB: This is the new date, changed from August 27-28
Lausanne Program     
Winter Learn and Ski Sports Seminar
Was held  March 9 - 12, 2022 at Saas Fee
See the program here   
ICSC Hands-on Upper Extremity Seminar - Lausanne, Switzerland

Was held in
June and September, 2021      Up to 20 CE credits could be obtained
More at this link   O  
FICS Symposium - The Athlete's Journey   
Global Virtual Presentation  7 - 9 May 2021     Up to  12,5 CE credits could be obtained
More here     


Summer Sports Seminar -  by Carole Moser Ross, DC
Was held on Saturday August 28, 2021    

Program outline:
        9h45 - Coffee - Croissants
        10h30 - Pilates explained  
        10:45 - 11:45 Session I - One group
Pilates on Paddle
                                           -  Other group pétanque and/or beach games
        12:00 - 13:00   Session II - as above  
        13:00  Joyful lunch at the shore 'Buvette de la Pointe du Grain' with delicious
                  fondue and excellent local wine
Where:  Beach at Bevaix.   Details in enclosed     PROGRAM   


 SCSC Winter Seminar  -   Learn and Ski  
  Was held in Saas Fee, Switzerland  on  March 10 - 13, 2021   

The next winter seminar will be held on March 9 - 12, 2022       Program

See details at this link  O


Fall Seminar   
Was held on October 30 - November 1, 2020

Lecturers :

Florence Darbellay, Chiropractor and elite mountainbiker  
Daniel Fritschy, Orthopedic surgeon and specialist of sports medicine  
ean-Pierre Egger, National coach of Swiss Olympic and trainer

See article that appeared in the FICS December e-News  


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