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Kinesio Tape Order

Order Forms  -  Leukotape-K

SCSC offers kinesiotape for its members at factory prices.

Please choose the form below according to your category.     

Members SCSC :    O  
Members ChiroSuisse, MD's and Physiotherapists :    
Others (Public) :    O    

Note:   Sending the form directly via "Envoyer le formulaire" is actually not possible.

Therefore, download the order form to your pc and save it as a template. Then fill in the form and give it a new name. Attach it to an email which you send to the address shown on the order form -->
If nothing works, print it and fax it to: 021 617 3016 or call
021 617 29 35.

Always keep an original copy of the order form, so you can use it for future orders.

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