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SCSC Winter seminar 2025 - «Hip, Spine and Balance »
Event Brochure      Seminar Hours      Finding your way      Ski Touring

Learn & Ski  in Grimentz   16 hours Continuing Education Credits
Wednesday, March 19 to Saturday 22, 2025

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The Grimentz resort offers great skiing, especially after Grimentz has been connected by cable car to the ski domain of Zinal. The lectures will be half day, so that there is time for leisure activities, be it on skis, foot or at the spa at the hotel.

Our hotel, the four-star Hotel Alpina
, is located at the foot of the two cable car stations that take you up to the slopes. Those of you who have participated at last year’s seminar, remember the excellent hotel and it’s restaurant. Lectures will again be held at the nearby inside sport premises.

Please note :
There is a limited number of rooms at the hotel and to obtain one, the rule is 'First come-First served'. You must make your own hotel reservation. Hotel Alpina 027 475 16 16  /
Information on this, including prices, is given in the enclosed program.

Our lecturers

Dr Sarah Dion, DC, graduated from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in Trois-Rivières in 2013. She then completed a full-time three-year residency in diagnostic imaging at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto, where she acquired clinical experience during several orthopedic and chiropractic placements in different hospitals. Dr. Dion has worked with several chiropractic, medical and musculoskeletal radiologists, mainly in Canada, the United States and Australia. She graduated as a chiropractic radiologist (DACBR) in September 2016. From October 2017 until January 2024, she was working as a full-time professor at the Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie (IFEC), in France, where she was teaching courses in radiology. Dr. Dion is now practicing full-time as a chiropractor in Québec and continues to give continuing education to chiropractors.

Dr. med Michael Wettstein, Professor (MA), former senior lecturer and associate doctor at the CHUV (CH), trained in orthopaedic and trauma surgery at the CHUV/  Hôpital Orthopédique de Lausanne and the Hôpital de Morges. After a fellowship  in hip surgery at Saarland University Hospital in Homburg (Germany), he was  appointed associate doctor and senior lecturer in the university department in  Lausanne. As Medical Director of the Institut de Traumatologie et d›Orthopédie  du Léman Suisse (ITOLS), his clinical, research and teaching activities focus on hip pathologies. He is also a registered doctor at Rennaz Hospital.

AGM 2025

The Annual General Assembly is scheduled for Friday March 21, 2025 at 19:00 in the seminar room.  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Up Up and Down


        Winter pleasure at its best

             Have a look  HERE



A few interesting seminars of the past


Basics of Functional Neurology  -  Introductory Module     
Saturday, October 28  -  Sunday, October 29. 2023

Dr Nicole Oliver, DC and Dr Karl Stalaker, DC

The clinical benefit associated with manual therapy is not simply related to restoring movement to restricted joints and normalising local muscle tone through segmental reflex effects. A major therapeutic role is attributed to activation of the central nervous system (CNS) – in recent years the literature is saying this more and more. It is thought that many chronic or treatment-resistant musculoskeletal conditions are perpetuated by ongoing neurological dysfunctions or maladaptive post-injury changes in the CNS. It has also been suggested that a neurorehabilitative approach is what is needed to more successfully manage such chronic musculoskeletal conditions.
This seminar aims to teach you the basics of functional neurology in a simple and
easy-to-understand way. It will provide you with fundamental knowledge of nervous  system structure and function, as well as teaching examination techniques related to the cerebellum, cranial nerves and eye movements. You will also learn the basic  principles of neuro-rehabilitation. The seminar will be interactive with numerous practical sessions to develop your newly learnt skills and emphasize the clinical application of the material taught.

- Brochure / Program    For questions and further information contact   -->
- Registration Form

Lyss Forestry Training Center (FTCL)
Hardernstrasse 20
3250 Lyss

Pricing Seminar      Pricing Room price (per person)       Food price
    DC  450.-                        Single  98.-                                              Saturday lunch 19.-
    Assistant 250.-             Double  73.-                                           Saturday dinner 16.-  
    Student 150.-               Triple  63.-                                              Sunday breakfast 15.-

Saturday October 28           Sunday October 29
          09.00-13.00 Lecture            08.00 Breakfast
          13.15-14.30 Lunch               09.00 - 13.00 Lecture
          14.30-18.30 Lecture
          19.00 Dinner


Taping seminar
With Khelaf KERKOUR
Saturday, July 1, 2023


The taping seminar was held in Lausanne during the weekend of Athletissima. It was aimed to be an introductory and refresher course.     Program and sign-up  

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