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General Assemblies


SCSC General Assembly 2024      Agenda  
Friday, March 15, 2024  18h30  
Location:  Salle polyvalente comunale, Grimentz

Map and explanations on how to get  THERE

Major items of the 2024 assembly :
- The following reports were voted and accepted : President, Membership, Treasury   
- The books were audited and the bookkeeping found in order and approvedby the auditors     
- The proposed budget for 2024 was accepted    
- Three members resigned in 2023. Seven new members joined in 2024, bringing membership to 91  
- A new committee was voted in : Nils Osseiran president, Laure Beranger and Patrick Ryser
- Past president Roland Noirat will stay on the committee to continue to work on the CCSC

  the Swiss Certificat of Competence in Sports Chiropractic.
- Chris Wegelin hands over the treasury to Patrick Ryser but will continue to maintain the website
- The volunteering auditors accepted to stay for another year
- No ICSC (International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic) is planned this year    
- The next winter seminar is planned again in March and at Grimentz by the Jolly Organizers
- Chris Wegelin was chosen SCSC honorary member



SCSC General Assembly 2023

Held on Thursday March 16, 2023   19h00


Major items :
- The following reports were voted and accepted : Presidents', Membership, Treasury   
- The books were aproved by the auditors     
- The proposed budget for 2023 was accepted    
- Seven new members were admitted to the SCSC    
- Chiropractic students will not have to pay for admission and SCSC membership
- The volunteering auditors accepted to stay for another year
- No ICSC (International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic) seminar is planned next year    
- President Roland Noirat and Treasurer/ITO will stay in the committee for another year


SCSC General Assembly 2022
Held on Thursday March 10, 2022   18h30
Hotel Walliserhof, Saas Fee

Major items :

- The following reports were voted and accepted : Presidents', Membership, Treasury
- The executive was freed of any liabilities   
- Six new members were accepted
- The accounting books 2021 and budget 2022 were unanimously accepted.
- The transition to take-over the SCSC is underway but will take longer than anticipated
- The CCSC (Certificat of Competence in Sports Chiropractic) project was presented


The E-General Assembly SCSC was held on March 13 to 17, 2021
Due to government restrictions, the general assembly was done by electronic means, observing the guidelines of the 'Covid-19 Regulation 3' of the Swiss Federal Council.

Summary Results                                    
Over 80% of the SCC membership participated in the vote
All items on the voting agenda were accepted with over 90% approval   
The statues were accepted with an over two-third majority  
The proposed members for the committee were elected                  


New committee   
     President : Roland Noirat     

     Treasurer : Chris Wegelin     
     Committee member : Nils Osseiran      
     Committee member : Adrien Aymon

Chris Weglin will continue to manage communication, administration, membership and website.

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