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WELCOME to the SCSC              Chirosport on Google SITES

The Swiss Chiropractic Sports Council unites the sports chiropractors of Switzerland. By their membership they further the goals to promote excellence in education and practice in sports chiropractic, provide chiropractic services at sporting events and represent chiropractic.

The SCSC is the national chiropractic sports organisation affiliated to the Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport, the FICS, which is the head organisation of all national chiropractic sports organisations worldwide.

The SCSC provides education to its members through the regular offering of seminars. This to provide the bases for chiropractic physicians to counsel their patients, be it for leisure activities or competitive sport, to prevent injury and obtain optimal performance.

The SCSC ensures that the highest levels of professionalism are displayed by our members.

In addition to the educational and participative mission, the Swiss sports council offers social and leisure activities to foster collegial and intraprofessional relations.

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